Natural Scarves and Veils

About Us

Mary's Mantle is a family business located in Central Virginia. It is dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and under the patronage of St. Thérèse.

While serving in the missions of India, my husband and I met, married, and began our family. I appreciate the scarves worn daily by the Indian women. The extra coverage and aspect of modesty offered by a cotton scarf adds an element to my desire for true femininity.

Our family is excited to offer women the option to veil with 100% natural fibers before the Most Blessed Sacrament. Women around the world primarily wear scarves or shawls for their veil at Mass. The mantilla style veils, while beautiful, are mostly made of synthetic netting.

We import our scarves from India and are working on manufacturing natural fiber triangle-style veils to add to our collection.